The month of June is about look back over our year and thinking about how we've changed and what we've learned. A big part of that, this year, has involved a felting activity we are completing with each class. Each creation is a three-week process, and reflects their experience of Forest School. We are so impressed by the beauty and creativity of what they have created!
The morning class made a field guide of the edibles in our forest using three different mediums; rubbings, hammering onto a cloth, a solar paper! There is one particular spot where all of the three plants (creeping bellflower, dandelion and alfalfa) can be found; we call it the grocery store! They also enjoyed adding dandelion petals (practicing their scissor skills) to the playdough to use in the kitchen.
The afternoon class played some new games involving strategy and teamwork; they can teach you the card flip game at home! As it was so warm, small games of Coyote/Mouse were interrupted with shade breaks, but face painting and grass tail making took over! Soon some of the children were pets of the other children!
Playdough: make your regular playdough recipe, then take it outside! Use scissor to cut up grass and other plants to add to the dough. Turning it into a kitchen adds another layer; with muffin tins, they can cook cupcakes and add sprinkles or chocolate chips (all from natural loose parts) or with a pot and water they can make a stew. The possibilities are endless!
Carving: Whether or not your child has a knife at home, they can carve this snake! With a glove on the hand holding the wood, round out the end of a very curvy stick you found. Without a knife, you can use sandpaper or a file to try and make it round. Next, take off all the bark. Lastly, paint interesting pattern on it's back!