Tuesday morning we continued to play our Monopoly game, buying a few more properties and playing a few games along the way. We also learned more knots to help with our fort building. Free time was filled with learning the monkey fist knot and working on building forts, we also had a great discussion on how you decided when a person owns a fort and when it is communal. We hope that discussion continues next week. The afternoon class worked on making marble runs, each one was very different and they took lots of thinking to create their run! In free time a few Squabbits found and made bow and arrows while others wrapped sticks and climbed trees.
At home activities:
Outside board games
Lea mixed up monopoly so it could be an outside game, instead of simply buying a property when you land on it, you had to do a minute to win it challenge and the winner got to buy it! Another active game could be Jenga, write on the blocks (jumping jacks, handstand ect) and you have to perform those tasks when you pull the block out.
Monkey fist knot
This knot is a tricky one but very satisfying to complete, there are lots of videos out there on how to do it, you just need para-cord or something similar and a marble.
Marble runs
We made our marble runs using planks of wood and loose wood parts, however other options include magnets on a cookie tray or attaching item to your fence (pool noodles).