Today both classes of Owls played contraband, a game involving getting money form one place to another without being intercepted by the bankers. The morning group wanted more of a challenge and came up with some additional rules to add depth into the game. There was lots of strategy involved and even an undercover player. The afternoon group switched it up by changing how many bankers there were, making it extra tricky to get the money across safely. Free time was spent exploring, carving daggers and snakes, creating meeples and playing a new game. We have started to reflect back on the year and are working on our final sit spot project!
At home ideas:
Stick snake
Carve a snake out of a stick. Find a bent stick (caragana works well) , carve off the bark (or leave some for different markings) rounded out the head and decorate.
If you have a group (8 people) contraband is a fun game, here is a link to the rules: