If you are a returning family to Upstream, you were invited to participate in a survey about your experiences in forest school. Here are a few things we learned!
- some are looking for a mix of communication through emails and blog. We'll use emails to let you know about upcoming homework/things to bring/field trips, and the blog to update you on the weekly classes!
-a favourite of the children was the opportunity to have free time to explore and create from their own ideas!
-field trips would be/are fun, but help with transportation is needed
-the twice-a-year reports are valued! Some more communication about the children between reports would be appreciated
-some parents would like to visit the class more often!
-the blog is loved, but maybe not read weekly. Reminder would help!
-the blog helps foster conversation at home about what went on in Forest School
-summer camps, PD Days and after school Forest School times were requested!
And some wonderful dreams!
-integration into the public system
-charter school (starting at kindergarten)
-cabin in Bowmont park
I love all of these! It is my dream that FS become more accessible to all families from all walks of life, and especially integrated into the public school system, as all children need intentional outside time!
Thank you for these! We are working on how to make reporting more frequent, reminders about blogs more common, transportation to field trips and parent-welcome classes

. We appreciate your feedback - you never have to wait for a survey, please just let us know your thoughts!