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Squirrels Nov 23


The squirrels had a surprise today!! We found a letter hidden under the bench addressed to us from a real live squirrel named Scrappy!!

The letter informed us that Scrappy had been watching us from their drey ( squirrel nest) and had hidden another letter under the next bench. In the next letter there was a picture of their drey and a picture of a magpie nest so we could tell the difference.

When we arrived at our spot we spent some time first using our binoculars and then climbing in our main climbing tree trying to see if the nest at the top was a drey. We think it was!! 

We had snack time and read a book called Lost Things. Next, we built a stuffie zipline and the wolf, frog, bunny, and the beaver went for a ride.

Some of the children wanted to make a ladder so in the tool circle they hammered little sticks across big sticks, a three rung ladder was constructed and it will be a work in progress.

Of course some sledding went on and since it was so icy we slid on shovels down the path, so icy we even had to slow ourselves down!!!

We walked down early and played games at the bottom; camouflage and a rhythm game. For camouflage we had brought camo material to hide under so that made it extra fun and challenging. For our rhythm game we clapped and sang a rhyme as we passed the stuffed bunny around the circle.   

See you next time Squirrels!

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