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  • upstreamforestschool

Squirrels, May 6th

We were prepared for rain, but it was a surprisingly warm and dry morning for the Squirrels. We started the morning with a number of games, from 'What Time is it Mr. Wolf' to "Luca's Tag Game' and 'Toliet Tag'. The Squirrels are not typically interested in games. They had a good run around and practiced taking turns being 'it' as well as showing resiliency to getting tagged.

After the games we had a snack and read a story about a cat. The Squirrels had lots of energy so instead of reading a second book we got right into a scavenger hunt. The Squirrels were divided into groups of three and had to work together to find their items. Some of the groups divied up the jobs to searchers, bag carriers, readers. It was lovely to see how they all worked together in their groups. Once completed the groups brought their treasures to show them to Mrs. Dawn. Some groups did two or three rounds.

Meanwhile Mrs. Rikia set up a massive tarp that made a long dark tunnel. We thought it would be keeping us dry but instread it became a 'hot tunnel'. The Squirrels noticed the difference in air temperature from inside and outside. They tried to make it as dark as possible and we gave them flashlights to light up the inside.

This lead into free time where Aria, Prya and Kellen dressed in capes and went foraging for alfalfa and creeping bell flower leaves. They were quite happy munching on their finds and delving into their imaginary game. Nikolai and Adrian were busy setting up camp in the tarp tunnel. Breanne and Henry settled into the tool circle to carve boats, which underwent a 'stress and floating test'. Jono, Luca and Sorren started their own wizard school. They went back and forth from the mud kitchen to make spells, setting up a corner of the tarp and practicing their wizard skills under Soren's direction.

It was difficult for the Squirrels to gather when we called them together for a parachute/debrief game. We don't blame them, they could have played on the bluff until the rains came. We eventually gathered and talked about the importance of listening and working as a group. Next week we are going to work on our listening and moving as a group skills with a little hike around the bluff. Along the way we will forage, learn to read compasses and play some navigation games.

We will send an email out after next week to see if we are ready for our field trip to Princess Island!

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