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Squirrels - May 21

Today was a day of obstacle courses and dandelions! We started out with drawing an obstacle course on the path. Platforms to jump to, lines to follow and you had to transport a stuffie safely and throw it through a hanging hoop. The squirrels eagerly transported the animals through dozens of times, running back to the start each time to go again. Up the hill we discovered that the Red Foxes, the older class that runs at the same time, were also setting up an obstacle course for us to try, so we decided to invite them over for some dandelion bread that we made last week. Since we were having them older the kids over, we started doing some decorating, to host the party. We painted some logs, sticks and leaves, primarily red for the Red Foxes and then wanted to do the cement barrier so we wrote the words "Welcome Red Foxes" with chalk. The squirrels took turns writing the letter, with Mika telling them what letter they needed to spell out the words. Next we wrote from and all our names and added flowers, people, rainbows and colours. Nora even wrote "we are happy to see you"! Then we headed over to the Red Foxes, where we were greeted, and Emery, Maryam and Margo started showing us the course. Turns were took time after time, climbing through the hoop they had made, swinging on the swing and doing SO many jumping jacks, taking on the challenge of three and going above and beyond. We got to enjoy some tea they had made, dandelion to add to our theme and we took them over to our spot and showed them the welcome sign and had dandelion bread. It was delicious! Some of the squirrels brought a piece home to share with their siblings.  We were also treated to a game of Foxtails a new game the RF like, where you have a tail and try to grab other peoples. After saying goodbye to our friends we played Freeze-tag at Lev's request. We enjoyed snack and read a book about birds before some freetime, some kids played stuffies, a frisbee throwing game was fun and Maeve organized a game of tag before we walked down the hill. See you next week squirrels!

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