We brought chalk today and the squirrels were eager to make a hopscotch course. A forest school hopscotch isn't quite traditional, involving clouds, octopuses and rope ladders, all the more fun for jumping on. Ms. Jessie also redeemed herself after the fall by drawing a magnificent alligator.
We are continuing to dive deeper into mapping with the squirrels, and today we learnt how to use a compass. After deciding that the compass always points north, no matter what we learned how to then find where south, east and west are on a compass. We also talked about some other ways to find where you are or how to find the cardinal directions like landmarks, the sun and stars. Once we were confident with using the compass we went on a treasure hunt following directions such as find the biggest tree to the north or walk twenty five steps west. The directions lead us to a treasure, a gem for everyone!
Ms. Melanie taught us a new game that challenged our skills in cooperation and following the rules about when you can turn around when you're it. The squirrels loved Eagle, Osprey; they liked sneaking up and stealing the fish and everybody got a turn being it and catching people who were moving when they turned around and guessing who had stolen their dinner.
We got to do some freetime, playing small world with all the animals, building a fort to chat in and playing in the hammock. The dynamics of the hammock challenged the squirrels to work out taking turns, and was super fun to swing in, especially when friends push you! Alden made all the animals in small world beds and a house, working hard with dirt, grass and sticks, with some help from Lev and Mika. The kids were also interested in the tool circle today, something we haven't done for awhile. We revisited carving and sawing and everyone was persistent even though carving was tricky. We also played and built with some loose parts and finished with continuing to carve our candles.