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Squirrels, June 21

Thank you parents and family members for being part of our last day! The Squirrels loved showing you around and sharing all the things they've been doing and learning.

This week we leveled up our carving skills, practicing peeling carrots and also beginning to take the bark off of sticks. There were plenty of opportunities to craft as well, and some Squirrels made necklaces and others created "little people" from the sticks they had carved.

The zipline provided an opportunity to grow physical confidence and we ended our day with a game of compliment tag, sharing things we appreciated about playing with the friends we've made this year.

Overall it's been a pleasure to see how each Squirrel has grown through the seasons and how we've developed as a group. The gains in in confidence, social and emotional skills, physical literacy, and nature connection stand out as we look back to the beginning of the year.

We'll miss this weekly time together and we hope you all have an amazing summer!

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