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  • upstreamforestschool

Squirrels, Feb 22

It was a chilly day on the bluff, but we made the most of it, and enjoyed all of the adventure provided by the fresh snow. We dug it up. We buried things in it. We built with it. We slid on it. We were even tossed onto it. The snow provided a great active start to our class.

The Burrowing Owls class joined us for tobogganing, and when we felt ready for snack and a warm up, we headed off to the Cabin. Once there, we learned about compasses, and the four cardinal directions on a compass rose. There are all sorts of mnemonic devices to remember NESW! Ask your child if they remember what each direction is called.

After drawing some of our own maps, we went to explore the cabin basement that we heard was occupied by a troll or golem... We are not sure, but it sure was spooky!

In the end, we barely had enough time to put our layers back on for pickup. Time flies! Here's to more adventures. See you next week.

-The Squirrels

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