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Squirrels, Dec 19


For todays class the Squirrels requested we return to the bike track to play more games and explore! We started off in the far corner playing a quick warm up game before the Squirrels created their own adventure game using a large pit as the home base. After collecting treasure and verbally mapping some of the main landmarks of the area we came together to start our fire lighting challenge!

At upstream forest school we require snow on the ground to practice our fire lighting skills as the dry grass on the bluff would be happy to catch on fire. After establishing a safe area the Squirrels all tried lighting matches. Everyone was so focused and kept practicing until they got it! Ask your Squirrel if they found match lighting easy or hard? After lots of practice we all worked together to light a small fire in the base of our kelly kettle. Once we got a fire going and the water boiled we all enjoyed candy cane tea in celebration of the last class!

We hope everyone has a great break and we will see you in the New Year, classes resume the week of Jan 9th.

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