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ROwls, Sept 19


This week the ROwls got drawn into a deep investigation of the mysterious manhole covers found along the bluff. It was exciting to see the whole class working together on a project and staying engaged for a long time generating and testing questions and ideas, which naturally led to even more questions!

We've asked everyone in the class to come next week with a strategy for opening the manhole cover (the current focus of the investigation) and to learn something about how these manholes work or why they are there.

Ask your child:

  • what they want to look up about manholes

  • what their strategy is for trying to open one.

And keep reading to learn more about our plans for safety, which is something we're proud the children were thinking about as they worked together.

The investigation began with wondering how deep the hole was. The ROwls lowered down a rope and it just kept disappearing! Eventually there were three ropes tied together and still they couldn't tell if it had touched the bottom! Working together, the class eventually estimated that the hole was 15 feet deep (based on counting the number of seconds it took to hear a dropped screw hit the bottom [2s] and dropping the same kind of screw from a tree at a height [15ft] that matched 2 seconds).

The problem-solving, experimentation, creativity, wonderment, and excitement generated by answering the first question propelled the ROwls into further investigation. Here are some more of the things they wondered, learned, and considered, as well as challenges they overcame:

  • How deep is the hole?

  • They estimate 15 ft

    • The class overcame the challenge of how to tie something to a rope and still make it fit through one of the small vents in the top. They experimented with different knots and rope sizes and hunted for items that were heavy and slim to tie to the end of the rope.

    • They wondered about gravity - do things that are different weights fall at different speeds?

  • What is down there?

  • They shone a light down and saw a ladder, but it was hard to see the bottom

    • Does anything live down there?

  • What is the manhole for?

  • Can we open the cover?

    • The class spent quite a while trying to open the latch over the cover but it was hard without proper tools. They remembered a different manhole beyond the Rabbits spot where the latch over the cover was open, but even then removing the lid proved to be a challenge. They could pry it slightly using the claw of a hammer but not very far and it was still too heavy to lift.

    • They experimented with slipping a stick attached to a rope through the small vent hole and then pulling once it had turned to help lift the lid.

    • They wondered if a pulley system would reduce the weight and make it easier to lift the lid with ropes?

  • How can we stay safe while investigating?

    • Keep fingers clear when prying

    • Don't stand over the hole, kneel beside

    • Tie themselves to nearby trees so they won't fall in

    • Have someone designated to remind others of safety rules

Next week we plan to come with better tools and more ideas and questions to continue the investigation. We agreed we shouldn't go into the manhole if we are able to open it, but the class is excited to see what we can learn and if we can solve the current challenge... stay tuned!

...the ROwls also enjoyed cartooning lessons at lunchtime led by Joe, learning to copy some basic techniques and then branching out with their own styles and ideas.

Everyone will have a chance to share a skill with the class throughout the year. Ask your child what they are thinking about teaching their classmates.

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