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Rabbits, Oct 5

Today we observed a lot of interactions between friends. The Rabbits have been together for over a month, and have learned a little about each other's idiosyncrasies and soothing/coping habits. we observed a child who usually plays alone, make their space into a shared space. Some children told a friend how their behaviour was affecting them. This child tried to find another way to express their feelings. This shows this group's maturity, and how FS functions; whether we are learning knots, having Sit Spot, tying up teachers or making macrame hangings, it is the emotional intelligences we are paying attention to and that are being engaged (in addition to the other intelligences!).

Connection Questions:

-Can you remember any of the knots races? Which was your favourite?

-Do you remember the story about Paul Bunyan? When was a moment you felt strong? What was your mountain story?

-Who do you usually play with at Forest School? Why?

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