This week the Rabbits enjoyed a change of scene at Sammy's Park. We skated and played games together on the ice, pretending to be squirrels gathering pinecones into our nest (the hockey net) while being chased by coyotes. We also practiced our group communication and negotiation with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag.
We took our fire skills to the next level by building a fire big enough from the whole group and enjoyed roasting treats and making smoke trails with smoldering sticks.
As we build our skills and try new things it's wonderful to see many children learning something for the first time or growing confident with a skill they have practiced. One child was incredibly persistent at learning to skate, another lit a match for the first time, another used the flint and steel to start a fire, and someone else chopped almost all of our wood. We're excited to continue growing together through the winter and to see how each Rabbit develops!
Scroll through the pictures below to see our fun around the fire and on the ice.