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Nuthatches, May 30th

It was wonderful to spend an afternoon with the Nuthatches again! We caught up with one another on our walk up the path. Once at our spot we started out with some predator/prey games. Taking a break to discuss the hierarchies of predators and deciding to adapt the game to be predator against predator. Incorporating our interest in birds we looked through books and field guides to reference for a new embroidery project that we started and will continue working on in later classes. This project brought the group together in a quiet space where conversation flowed as they worked on their fine motor and reference skills. Free play was beautiful and the children became absorbed in a fantasy game of an injured king that needed to be healed with herbal poultices and potions. For sit spot we brought wooden pegs (baby fairies) to a special spot to share with them our observations of the nature around.

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