The week before Halloween at Upstream is all about bringing on the gross and gruesome. Parents, you might want to do a wash of mittens and outerwear from this week. The Foxes started with a game of fish and flags capture the flag. At first the Foxes were squeamish about handling the fish, but once they got into the game and the fish were dusted in dirt the competition was on to steal the most amount of fish from each others bases.
Moving on the Foxes played a game of minefield that with every wrong move they had to pick something from our buffet of gross to taste. There was dehydrated tapioca pearls, peanut juice, liver pate, cat food, prawn chips, cottage cheese cookies and more. Some of the foods weren't so bad...others well, they were pretty gross.
Ending the morning with a game of moose handball the Foxes were playing for high stakes. With each point scored the scoring team got to add an ingredient to a smoothie of sorts that the opposing team would have to drink if they lost. The game was neck and neck and tensions and teamwork ran high. It ended up that the drinks tasted like salad dressing and everyone tried both drinks - some even got carrots from their lunch to dip in the drinks.
The day of gross culminated in the walk of fear. There was fish, squid, squishy tofu, tapioca pearls, mouse traps, candles and more. The Foxes were blindfolded (Theo even went barefoot) and they had to make their way through the slime while avoiding the mousetraps and candles. They were able to choose one person to lead them through. We're happy to report that all the Foxes made it unscathed!
Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it to the end of the day for the Foxes Halloween play!