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Delectable Dandelion Day: Red Foxes, May 21

This week, our class embraced foraging on many levels. We went hunting for edible plants again, including last week's favorites: creeping bellflower, dandelion, and alfalfa. During a brief walk around the Bluffs, we also found some edible mustard. Our foraging finds were turned into a salad, complemented by the delicious contributions of our students. Along the way, we identified leafy spurge and discussed the many negative attributes of this inedible plant.

In addition to foraging, our morning also included practicing our carving skills, watercolor painting, and making entries in our nature journals.

After lunch and a brief wrestling match, we began digging dandelion roots to roast and make into coffee for next week.

We then divided into groups to prepare for our dandelion tea party with the Squirrels class. Some students worked together to create an obstacle course for the Squirrels, while others collected dandelion heads and made dandelion tea on the camp stove.

With great enthusiasm, we welcomed the Squirrels, who thoroughly enjoyed completing the obstacle course several times before we shared our tea with them. This was followed by a visit to their location to enjoy their dandelion bread and play some games together.

We ended our day discussing possible activities and trips before the quickly approaching end of the year. We hope to visit the beach volleyball courts next week and have a few more adventures in these last four weeks together.

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