We tried "wheelchair" rugby for the second time. This time different team members were impaired to varying degrees using rope to impede their stride length. Ask your Coyote to explain more and how they felt their team played.
Continuing our exploration of native plants and our love of food we foraged mint and mountain ash berries from the bluff and made delicious treats. Some of the Coyotes were hesitant to try a feta and mint dip but I think everyone came back for more. The mountain ash jelly cooking enabled us to do math at Forest School with calculations of volume and weight. Ms Lea and I LOVE throwing in some math as a few of the Coyotes are pretty adamant that we shouldn't do ANY math at Forest School! Mwa ha ha - evil laughs from Ms Lea and Ms Dawn ; )
Ask your Coyote what they thought of mountain ash or rowan jelly. Did you try any when they brought it home?
We played volleyball with a giant ball. This started as co-operative but it seems we have several competitive coyotes who want to win and it quickly turned to counting points. All good fun.
Don't forget we started planning a hike!