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Coyotes, Jan 15


Thank you to Hazel for writing the blog this week.

To: Coyotes and family (maybe friends?)

This morning we did several things, firstly, revenge tag, pretty basic except we had to balance a stick on the back of our hands. Secondly, we played a game where everyone sat with a partner in a line, their feet touching, every group got a number from one to five and when their number was called they had to jump over the legs of the other pairs and see who got back to their spot first, whoever did that was the winner. Finally, we did a fire making challenge; creating a fire that can last for five minutes using only what we could find ((and some lint)and some cotton balls;) The thing was though, it was a challenge you had to do alone. Which I think made it more challenging but also less fun. Most groups ended up burning only grass, As it was hard to get the somewhat damp wood to catch.(We probably ended up using at least twenty-five decently big handfuls of grass.) but I'm pretty sure everyone ended up succeeding. 

For the afternoon, we went back to the cabin to gather supplies, then went to “New Edinborough Park” as stated by Lucy, (personally, I just call it Sammy's park),to make our “main course.” Each group had come prepared this time and we did not have to go to Safeway, we simply brought ingredients from home. Each group made a different thing, as follows: penne pasta, dumplings of some sort (I wasn’t in that group so I don’t know exactly what they were called,) and last but not least, Raman. All of the “meals” tasted really good, especially for cooking them over a campfire. And that was our day (in a simple summary of course.)

Sincerely, Hazel

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