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Coyotes, Feb 14


We had an amazing day at Corfit! I do ninja classes and everybody did awesome for their first times! The walk was fun with a few challenges- having different people lead, or challenging us to find the four cardinal directions and then facing north, turn to face 300 degrees. At Safiya's request, we ventured through Chinatown and eventually made it to Corfit. After changing we jumped right into ninja- we warmed up and our coach, Ashley showed us each obstacle in the gym and how to do it. Together we tried them all and helped each other with mental support and tips. Everybody did great! Warp Wall, Rope Climb, Walls, Rings, Cargo Net, Olympus, L wall and Monkey Bars- We worked hard! We also did a challenge where we had to do as many rounds of each obstacle, to get as many points as possible in 8 minutes. Then we had to do it again and get the same number of points in just 6 minutes! We didn't quite do it in 6- we had 1 point to do- but the punishment was only 1 burpee because there was 1 point left to do. Next we had lunch and a break and then we got some open gym time to do whatever we wanted. Some of us tried Laches which were tricky but fun and Minel got the 8 foot wall, a goal of hers! It was super fun showing everybody ninja and I had a great time. Then, tired with sore hands and even blisters but happy we went for gelato! We finished the day with the walk back, bush bashing and shout outs, what an amazing field trip! 

From Mika

We the teachers were so impressed with everyone's general strength, and ability to try and try again. Their perseverance and determination were evident! Some only stopped because their hands had blisters that were opening - that's dedication! We looked forward to bringing these skills to the bluff next week, along with their engineering minds!

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2 kommentarer

Mika Hill
Mika Hill
15. feb. 2024

Haha! Fast recovery, I hope!


15. feb. 2024

I can barely walk… BUT I’D DO IT AGAIN!

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