We had fun playing a new game today, Foxtail, and practicing Osprey some more (or as the children like to call it - Where's My Dinner?).
We spent some time learning a land acknowledgement (Here is the earth/here is the sky/here are my friends/and here am I), talking about where the tradition comes from, and thinking about why we're grateful to play on the bluff.
Next we wrote some letters to the Coyotes about how we'd like to continue to play with them. We had lots of opportunity to do just that in free time! There was much trading back and forth between the two groups at the trading post that has sprung up on the hill overlooking our spot by the fence, and many visits between the two groups. It was a perfect day to run around in the sun!
Connecting questions:
- Did you play with the Coyotes this week? What happened and who did you play with?
- When you played Where's My Dinner?/Osprey did you prefer being the osprey or being part of the group trying to sneak up and steal osprey's dinner? What's the best way to trick the osprey?