The Cottontails are learning how to embrace the cold. We even had lunch outside. The most helpful things we are learning is to keep our snack mitts (little dollar store mitts) on at all times - especially when eating. We are also learning not to play with snow or touch the snow with our snack mitts. Another hot tip they are learning is to make sure their outer gloves are put down in a way so snow does not go inside the gloves. We are also learning to eat a little quicker and that games are a fun way to keep warm!
The Cottontails worked on lighting matches and keeping their candle lit long enough so everyone's candle was lit at the same time. This took effort and team work to make it happen. We ended with making a little mini fire in a tin and seeing how long we could keep it burning.
At the cabin we learned how to felt and worked on little gifts for our families. Felting takes patience and attention. We had a few finger pokes, but were all pleased with what we made. We ended the day in our journals where we drew the activities that we did in the day and then marked them to show how much we liked the activitiy. Some challenges were noted such as cold toes and pricking our fingers.