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Chickadees, 17 Mar


Today we say farewell to our sweet friend Elizabeth as she embarks on a journey to have some fun adventures in Vancouver. Have wonderful time Elizabeth, enjoy seeing dolphins and playing in the sand on the beaches... we will be thinking of you!

Themes explored:

Birds and bird homes. Today we continued building our bird nests and painting rocks we collected as eggs for our nests. We had a wonderful discussion about different birds we know and what they like to do and where they live. We explored some delightful books and identified birds we recognised, while also listening and looking around for signs of birds in our environment. We sang a song about woodpeckers and talked about why woodpeckers tap metal things as well as how they nest in tree hollows they carve out with their beaks.

Shelter building. We continued fort building, construction tools were popular today, making additions with nailed branches or handsaw-cut lengths of branches to incorporate. We had some busy builders hard at work on their creations.

Kitchen play. We added water to our creations today so had many creative versions of soups and teas going around to try.

Making playspaces with planks and logs. Planks and logs, after being much loved as see saws (teeter totters), became a "diving board" which evolved into an obstacle course. This activity was such a hit giggles abounded, some creative jumps developed and challenges like the big log-lift were added to our obstacle course.

Skills Embraced:

Consideration of others and taking turns. The chickadees are so considerate of each other, they each displayed thoughtfulness in their play, accommodating each other and playing gleefully, it was wonderful to see. When any negotiating was required they were able to navigate successfully to solutions that worked for everyone.

Confidence and control using tools, particularly hammers, saws and axes. We focused especially on hammering in our nest making activity. For some extra practice we constructed blocks of foam roller pieces wrapped in burlap to have less resistance when practicing and building up strength.

Connection Questions:

Some insects started to come out in the warm weather... Did you see the ladybug that visited us (on Wyatt's hand) ? Or the bee that came by our tool circle?

Did you have fun jumping off the "diving board" or running the obstacle course?

Did you make a fort today?

What were some birds you learnt about today? What do you know about ducks, or woodpeckers or geese?

Did you have fun climbing the big hill and rolling down... did you use the rope to help you climb? What were you able to see when you were high up on the hill?

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