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  • upstreamforestschool

Burrowing Owls, Oct 5

We ventured to Sunnyside Orchard to play baseball hide and seek in a different place. The steepness of the hill down challenged some of us but everyone made it to explore the space and warm up with a running game. Going back up hill didn't seem as much of a challenge.

Having introduced a sharing circle last week, which brought out some deep thinking and communication between everyone, this week we created our own talking stick. Each person chose a particular yarn that stood out for them to wrap around the stick and then shared why that piece was significant for them. Did it remind them of something in their life? In Forest School? Did they like the colour? This sit spot took some patience as we wrapped yarn and shared our thoughts. We were impressed; the group listened respectfully enabling everyone to speak and be heard.

We will continue to have sharing circles to build our community, share ideas and discuss any upsets that may arise.

Connection Questions:

- Was there any fruit in the orchard? Why?

- Why did you choose the colour or type of yarn you did for our talking stick?

- Is it easier to build with natural found materials (sticks, rocks etc.) or with man-made materials (cardboard, plastic trays)? Why is that?

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