Themes Explored:
-orienteering and teamwork
-physical literacy; sprinting
-creating with metal and wood
Skills Embraced:
-reading a map and plotting an efficient course
-working with a partner to complete a task on time
-leading a group of peers
Connection Questions: What was the best story you heard today? Was there a new skill you learned today?
We are looking at ourselves, and our personalities, using the True Colours format. For a look at the four colours, have a peek at:
Megan has written a beautiful description of our day! Thank you!
The orienteering activity was a hit. It was enjoyed by all. They were eager, especially Sully, Sukey, Lucy and Davin were determined and diligent. The others teamed up by the end when they couldn’t find a few. A couple of groups had trouble marking on their map exactly where they hid their flags, and two others mixed up the orientation of their map when marking half of their flag locations; a good learning opportunity. Fortunately they realised before we started. Lucy and Sukey were keen to hunt all the flags down purposefully and assess which ones might not have been marked correctly on the map or had gone missing. Also at the beginning of class there was a request from Sukey, Sully and Luca to check out the geocache in Crescent Heights we had previously not found, so we spilt the group for 15mins after orienteering; taking Sukey, Sully, Luca, Kai and Oscar to find the geocache…they were thrilled! There were some cool developments in character on this little expedition; Kai was a great leader acting almost like a host for the activity (holding the phone instructing everyone and reading clues), Luca was considerate in not giving away anything since he had actually since found this geocache on his own, and Sully and Sukey were intent and on a mission but also including the others….all really impressive moments. The others played soccer with Jessie at the park in Crescent Heights.
A beautiful atmosphere was present when we returned to the community shelter, everyone just piled in to the shelter without instruction, there was a really nice camaraderie vibe.
Tool circle was a delight with a beautiful storytelling circle arising first from joke telling then evolving into very long stories, especially with Sukey’s story. Everyone just carved and listened it was lovely. Also free play with generals and armies took place, with a construction project they were working on. They gradually rejoined the group after a while to listen to stories. This evolved into a guessing game Sully suggested, which we then played on the way down the hill.