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Squirrels - May 28


The squirrels started their afternoon with some chalk. Ms. Jessie drew us some stick figures that we set to work colouring to look like us. It became a guessing game- could you tell who it was by the colour of their clothing or hair? We made Alden's multicoloured hat, Grace's purple outfit and Leviya's pink shorts and many more tell tale signs to make it look like us. On the way up the hill Ms. Mel had a challenge, you got a card and like a scavenger hunt, we found the nature item and collected it (if we could!). At the end we all worked together for some of the tricky ones like Mushroom/Fungi, feather and Black ant, we found fungi on a log,  an ant highway across the path but no feather. During snack we read a book about different animal homes, and then took some tiny creatures you might find in the mountains to build houses. Using string, sticks, grass, alfalfa, dandelions and wood cookies, we built. Everyone tuned into Ms. Jessie's animal homes for a tour of our friends houses, complete with interviews with the builder, with questions such as: What is your animal's favorite food? Then we played camping, since Mika is going backcountry camping with her forest school class tomorrow. We all packed a sleeping mat, grabbed our tent and cooking supplies and went back for a map. After identifying where North was, we walked that way, then west, sang a song and arrived. The group set to work setting up the outdoor kitchen, tent, and sleeping mats eagerly. Then we split into teams, one team searching for firewood, and starting the fire and the others gathering the edible plants on the bluff. After doing some cooking, fishing and bear watching we enjoyed dinner and went to bed. A midnight bear hunting trip was led by Alden, we did dandelion tattoos (just rubbing the yellow petals to make a picture) and packed up and hiked back. We made nature bracelets, with sticky tape which you can stick flowers, ferns, rocks (big ones!), and leaves to make it pretty. Your squirrel might have one to show you. With that it was the end of our day, see you next week squirrels!

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