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  • upstreamforestschool

Squirrels - March 5

When we started our day the squirrels decided to bury each other in snow. They decided that they were cakes and we started decorating the "cakes". The kids quickly announced what kind of cakes they were and we sliced them all up and ate them! We went through the secret path and stopped at all of our favorite spots, zombie hill and the bike track. At zombie hill there was a carved out route like a waterfall, great for sledding. After a few runs we continued adventuring and found a stick laid between two trees, an obstacle! We went around and others went under and Ms. Jessie even thought it could be a limbo bar. Arriving at the bike track we played some hiding games. Ms. Jessie hid the stuffed animals around the bike track and we had to find them. We also took turns hiding the soccer ball and letting the others go on the hunt for it. The squirrels loved hiding it and watching their friends try to find it. The third hiding game was where you had to find four brightly coloured pine cones hidden in trees and on the ground. Once you had collected four, Ms. Jessie would give you a bead at the trading post to keep. Then we had a vote, if we wanted to go through the alleyway to the cabin, or the street way. The vote was unanimous, we walked to the cabin on the street. In the cabin we read Jack and the beanstalk and enjoyed our snacks and did some colouring. We are working on our wild art piece and today was the last day to work on it before it goes to the gallery, so we finished them. Everybody is finished nailing, so we mostly worked on wrapping string in many different colours in patterns, designs or just wildly. It will be exciting to see our art in the gallery. We finished up with a picture guessing game before going outside to play. The ice slide wasn't very slippery anymore, but it was still fun and Alden took us on a bus ride to New York and Timbucktoo. See you next week Squirrels!

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