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Squirrels, April 19


Teacher extraordinary and Squirrel is with us again! Who is that? ....... Celine!!!! It's great to have her back.

James taught us a fun game on the way up the hill. We sing as peasants, because the king is away and don't have to work. But watch out for the guards waiting for the signal to chase you - then you have to run to safety. This kept us going quickly up the hill.

And when we got up the hill, more games to keep us warm and develop our social skills. Red Light, Green Light is a favorite game among the Squirrels. Everybody wants to be it and is trying to find the fine line between going fast and being careful, as well as getting comfortable taking turns and going back to the beginning when the person who is "it" spots us moving when the light is "red".

A bicycle wheel was also discovered down the hill along with an electrical plug box that was safe to tinker with with so we relocated it to the tool circle.

Since everyone was hungry by then we had a snack. While we were snacking we also read a book about building an treehouse that inspired us to build our own. So after snacking some of us split up and found supplies to build with for free time.

After some discussion we decided to make a fort/playhouse/lean-to on the ground with a balcony on top (the tree :). Soon we had a tarp fort with more and more luxuries such as a toilet, chair, hook and bookcase. At one point the tree also became a restaurant for stuffies as two students played together and cooked with mud, water, pots and containers.

Meanwhile in the tool circle a persistent few were prying at our electrical stuff, trying almost every tool. Throughout the course of the morning we also built a ladder to climb up to the balcony, experienced a zombie attack, played family and even became interior designers. As we walked down the hill we rolled and chased the wheel and closed with a discussion about what the teachers should bring next week.

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