The rabbits had a great class today on the bluff! It was a little bit wet, but everyone was well prepared. We started the day with learning about how to do an 'honourable harvest' and then found some choke cherries to pick.
We then moved on to some group games to get us moving, playing a name game, coyote and mouse, and a cone finding game.
The big project of the day was making paint and stamps as we continue to create our class flag. We smashed and squished the choke cherries to make paint and carved stamps out of cork. We then decorated the flag using the paint and stamps. We also spent some time learning to do some sewing and we will use these skills next week as we continue to add things on to the Rabbits flag.
We enjoyed our free time on the bike track. It was awesome to see students exploring, using their imaginations, and working together! We ended the day with a sit spot activity and a debrief.