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Rabbits, February 22

The Rabbits are experts when it comes to cold days! We began with a 'simple rules' game of football, which we all enjoyed! By the end we were working out strategy...we'll try again!

We went inside in the middle of the morning to eat our snacks and try some compass drawing. Using graph paper, Ms. Jessie gave us directions: "Go north two squares, go east two squares, go south two square, go west two squares." Draw it out and see what you get! We tried some NE, SW directions so we could add triangles. This is a great exercise for the brain, involving both math and art! We will be exploring maps and compasses more next class.

Next week is our last class with Ms. Jessie before Ms. Megan returns from Australia! We have so enjoyed having her with us! We look forward to many stories about Australian animals, but we'll also miss our games-loving teacher!

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