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Grey Squirrels, 26 Apr

Grey Squirrels are maturing explorers, they took their maps and compasses and located the beaver lodges and dams in Princes Island Park. Taking the opportunity to see all the exciting evidence of beaver activity in the area, with all the snow from last week gone. It was great to make space for the children who were with us last week to lead the way, sharing great finds and their knowledge about beavers, as it was a delight to see those that were discovering these places and information for the first time. Building our own maps of the area we learnt about the Legend o a map and how colour is used on maps. Orienting ourselves in the map and trying to locate where we were on the map, with small circle post-its as we moved around the wetland area.

This class love exploring nature, discovering details and explaining what they know and asking questions of each other and their teachers as they find more they want to learn about. As we wondered through the wetland a kind of magic fell upon the whole group. We found a goose carcass and discussed the skeleton of the bird and as we were visited by the bird life discussed them. We found many trees chewed upon by beavers, we stood upon and explored a beaver lodge and discussed why beavers do what they do and how. Our class if clearly knowledgeable and very enthusiastic about the industrious beaver.

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