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  • upstreamforestschool

Cottontails, May 11

We played a bunch of games, some new some old and some with a twist! The Cottontails have been loving card tag so we switched it up with using predators and prey... who would win between an arctic fox and whale? This lead to some interesting debates and creative solutions! We tried a new game of Ga Ga ball which was quite challenging, next class I hope we can try out some variations. Ask your Cottontail which game was their favorite (or least) and which one they found the most challenging. We also played a name game and Tenzie (dice rolling).

It had been a while since we built onto the fort, so the Cottontails were asked to choose a challenge before free time, wither build a swing they could all sit on or a ladder that would support them all. Ask your Cottontail which group they were apart of and if they were successful.

Free time was spent keeping an eye on the sneaky coyotes, who were testing out camouflages and disguises!

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