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Cottontails, Jan 12


Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Today started off with much enthusiastic sliding down the side of the bluff before we made it to our usual spot by the fence. Once we got there, we continued the active fun with various versions of tag. Next we practiced our tracking skills following a trail of yarn signs hung and hidden amongst the trees and shrubs, which led us to the hiding place of Super Kitty and then the second set of tracks to the elusive Tree Wolf (both stuffies hidden in the forest).

We got the hang of the game and split into teams to design a track for the other team to follow. Then we went after the stuffies the other team had hidden. Ask your child how this challenge went for them.

During free time some carved or enjoyed solo time, while others went to play with our friends, the Coyotes (the grade 7-9 class), who were busy building sleds, skis, and snowboards to slide along the slick path. They gave us fun rides on the sleds and shared their tool expertise as some of us started our own projects.

We ended the day with fire practice, learning to prepare kindling, successfully light the fire, and then keep it going. Ask your child what they learned about building and lighting a fire. What helped their fire go and what do they want to try next time?

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