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Red Foxes May 7 Rainy Day Adventures: Challenges and Creativity


As our class bravely ventured into the rain, our first task was shelter building. The Red Foxes initially opted for stones and logs to secure the sides of the A-frame tarp shelter, only to find them inadequate against the powerful gusts that lifted the tarp and scattered the materials. Adapting swiftly, they tied ropes to nearby trees and drove sticks into the ground as pegs, ensuring stability.

With our shelter secure, we enjoyed some games: partner chain tag and various iterations of dolphin golf.

Then came our carving challenge, where potatoes, carrots, and soap transformed into creatures, enchanted items, and modes of transport.

During our lunch break in the cabin, we enjoyed a storybook, Agatha's Feather Bed, and Maryam and Emery shared beading techniques they had learned while assisting the morning class.

In the afternoon, we tackled a new challenge: aligning ourselves alphabetically on a slippery log without stepping off. This required considerable teamwork.

Next, the Red Foxes divided into two groups to design obstacle courses, featuring swinging ropes, climbing over logs, stepping stones, and rope laser beam dodging. Each group collaborated to create, refine, and challenge the other team. Both courses were thoroughly enjoyed, as everyone tested their abilities and camaraderie.

We ended our day sharing moments we were thankful for as we huddled snuggly around a candle to keep the wind from blowing it out.

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