Rabbits made an elaborate obstacle course which we led the Coyotes class through. An excellent exercise in leadership and confidence speaking in front of groups, as the children explained what they had created with great gusto! We enjoyed seeing how the class organised themselves and took it upon themselves to introduce the challenges to the older class without any prompting from us teachers.

The creativity, teamwork and problem solving in building the obstacles was rich. We had laser grids made from ropes, slides on islands built with stumps and a pallet that you had to leap across, with rope swings launching from spools, chin-up trapeze swings, ring toss challenges, slingshot targets, teetor-totter balance beams, wheelbarrow collection challenges and glacier obstacles with a sea monster at the end... it felt like carnival day (as someone exclaimed)!
We love obstacles for the physical strength and practical problem solving involved and we were astonished at the creativity and ingenuity of our classes creations. It was a marvelous activity, rich with lots of learning, and made for a whole lot of fun!