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Owls, Feb 17

With the new fluffy snow the Owls were dare devils practicing Cheerleading positions. We tried partner balances and then larger group poses to warm up to create a team cheer for our-rules football. The Blueberries versus the Mountain Ash berries. The Owls understand that even if they are not getting in to a position it is important that they support their group by spotting or helping people get up on to knees or shoulders. It is definitely a team sport. Our-rules football

We played a familiar game with a new twist. Sometimes it's called Infection or Covid Tag, there are many names for it. Your child can tell you what they prefer and who the players are. The aim of the game is to find hidden items before being tagged and infected. This time the Owls created maps of the bike track, the items were marked on the map and the quality of the map along with how the Owls interpreted the map led them to the items. We will play this next week with the maps that didn't get used.

Connection Questions

- Is there a cheer position you prefer? Base/balancing on top/spotter? Why?

- What did you think of the new Deerstalking rules? Bring any new ideas for next week to try.

- How did you do creating your map?

- What makes a map easier to understand?

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