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  • upstreamforestschool

Coyotes, March 13

The Coyotes are digging into the questions of, 'What is public art? What is its purpose?"

Today we presented the Coyotes with a map of public art 'places' downtown Calgary. They chose the pieces they wanted to see, and what their route would be. The excitement of taking the C-train was palpable!

We saw at least 6 art pieces, and found many more along the way. We worked in our journals with some of the pieces, going deeper to interact with them. At The Invisible City, we shared what our own answer to the question,' Where are you going? Where do you want to be?' would be. At the Upside-down Church, we played with perspective - ask them to show you the finger trick!

At one point (1000 Faces) there was talk of creating a public art piece of our own. We will explore this this week!

And for a barrel of laughs, ask about the Tortilla game! Thanks Lucy!

Ask your Coyote:

-what art piece spoke to them the most? why?

-which art piece did they think was not relevant, or didn't need to be made?

-what piece of art would they contribute, and where?

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Mika Hill
Mika Hill

I liked the picture of you on the train!



The upside down church looks even more mind boggling then I remember it.

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