We switched things up and spent the day in New Edinburough Park where we worked on fire skills and building with loose parts. The day started with a little hockey play on the ice rink using mini sticks and a ducktape puck. The kids were left to their own devises to make the rules of the game and make teams, which engaged the entire class.
Meanwhile the teachers prepped the fire materials. Slowly the kids became interested and wandered over at their own pace. Ms. Megan was coaching kids individually on how to chop kindling and Ms. Rikia was working on how to strike a match. The kids were led in the safe handling of an axe and how to follow the grain of the wood to make 'smart' chops. In fire making we talked about fire safety, what a fire needs to burn, the direction a flame will burn and how to transfer fire from a match to starter material, starter material to kindling and
eventually how to build up and maintain a fire. The motivation was to cook tasty treats over the fire. We had roasted apples dipped in cinnamon and croissants baked over the flames. There was some imaginative uses of the ingredients and ways of cooking. Perhaps ask your Rabbit how they liked their treats.
Feeling warm and toasty the class started working on making sleds from a variety of loose parts. The kids worked collaboratively on making and testing out different sled creations. The teamwork and consideration shared amongst one another really demonstrated how well the Rabbits work together. It has been a delight to see the dynamics of the group grow and to watch friendships kindle.

The sleds were tested and eventually moved from the 'bobsled track' to the ice rink where challenges were created on how to get across the rink only using certain materials. A floor is lava sort of challenge. There were races and there was sliding fun pulling one another on made sleds. We even had a suitcase in the fun!
A special note from the class was that we welcomed a new student. It was wonderful to see how the Rabbits engaged with him and fully welcomed him to the group!