The Owls were full of wild energy so we altered plans and started the day with wrestling matches. There were two distinct styles of wrestling that evolved. The Gregory/Bean style that resembled animals in a fight - guarded and steady, low to the ground. Or the Huxley, Anaia style that was fast and higher off the ground. With hearts beating from the wrestling, Bean led the Owls in a game of Eagle/Crow. This worked on the Owl's ability to work as a team and to move silently. After a few rounds of Eagle/Crow the Owls were challenged with a three legged, blindfolded race up the bluff. Tied together in pairs they had to navigate through the brush and up the bluff while one person in the team was blindfolded. They were challenged with new partnerships and sent through thicker trees on the way down. The prize......girl guide cookies for all who wanted them!
In the afternoon the Owls made crossbows. Ask your Owl what they thought about making them and what they thought of the finished result. The crossbows took a considerable amount of effort and patience. Leading into free time some of the Owls worked on making quivers for their arrows; some worked with paracord to make fighting or walking staffs; and some brought their new weapons to their base to continue an elaborate imagination game that has been playing out over weeks.