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Owls, February 29th


Last class the Owls were challenged with a bucket throw as were the Red Foxes. Today we told the Owls that the red foxes beat their best time. So we started with the bucket challenge and the Owls were able to refine their ideas to get all the balls into the bucket in 0.13th of a second!

Moving on to a game of Nutty Squirrel and Asteroids everyone was moving a lot and soaking up the sun. We heard that the weather was supposed to drop dramatically which added some excitement and made us pay attention to the winds. After the games Bean and Calvin set up a tarp in case we needed it, Anaia worked on a bow and arrow, Mira carved and the rest of the Owls finished up their felting projects for the show on March 9th! The sun was still shining and it was warm. After lunch we had free time with hammers and chisels, water mitigation, mud sliding and Mira made a swing. Throughout the day Calvin worked on a poem for forest school. He said he was inspired to write the poem after looking at some trees out his window in the morning. He read the beginning stanza to everyone and collected information about each Owl and teacher to write them into the poem. We can't wait to hear the finished poem!

Eventually the winds changed and the temp started to drop. We could feel the ice in the wind. So we packed up and moved to the Squirrels spot, which is a little more sheltered and made a fire. The Owls are getting really great at self organizing and dividing up the tasks to make a fire. Does your Owl like to make tinder, kindling, building the fire, lighting the fire with a flint and steal, feeding the fire? To end the day we melted wax over the fire and made egg candles with dried flowers and herbs. Ask your Owl how they think their egg candle making went. It's a fun easter craft and makes a nice centre piece if you want to try it at home.

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