HELLO! Today I’M writing the blog, and by “I’M” I mean Vita!
Today, we kicked off our day with some bart - BURR ART! First we went around gathering burrs. Ouch! But while we were doing that, I learned some fun facts about burrs, such as the fact that they inspired the creation of Velcro! Then we actually got down to business and made some bart, which was made by sticking burrs on felt. The point was, to pair us up in teams of two, stand back to back, and give coordinates, to copy the other person’s bart without looking at it. There were some pretty funny outcomes! Such as a flower turning into a treehouse, and a
frog! (Please note that these were separate people making these works of bart, it was not a frog in a treehouse)
After making bart, we had free time! And then, we did Lucy’s Origami lessons. They were confusing to me, but the end result was great! To stretch our legs we played card tag. And then sat down to our sit spot and worked on our journals. The Coyotes have been focusing on leadership skills, so that we, the
kids, can safely lead a class of forest schooler’s that we expect to come to Forest School in October.
Thanks Vita! It's good to hear your thoughts on our day.
As a group the Coyotes are hosting their own Forest School session on Oct 4th. This will be a parented drop-in program for about 2 hours. As part of the planning we have asked the Coyotes to think of activities and games they like from Forest School that they could share with younger kids at the event. We have a lot to do over the next few weeks! `