From Safiya!
"This week of Forest School was super fun with a whole bunch of incredible games and activities. The Coyote’s started their day by sharing the brain teasers and riddles that they had learned over the week. The very first one was by far the hardest of them all, and the Coyote’s drew out and puzzled over many complex algorithms that they had created, but didn’t need at all. After that, they decided to warm up with a game of card tag before walking down the hill to collect some wild mint for their tea. While waiting for their tea to steep, the Coyote’s worked either on their Witch's ladder, or modelling clay. Finally, the tea was ready, just as it began to rain! The Coyote’s settled under their tarp and played an intense game of Uno Flip (a Coyote favorite) as they sipped their tea. After Uno Flip, the Coyote’s decided to get up and run around with a game of Zombi Ant. Zombi Ant was followed with lunch, and soon after, Capture the Flag (with stuffies). The Coyotes played Capture the Flag in two ways. One was the normal way with two teams, but they also tried 3 way Capture the Flag. Although I enjoyed both, I personally prefer the original game of Capture the Flag, even though there was more action in 3 way Capture the Flag. I really enjoyed playing both Card Tag and Capture the Flag. I liked switching up the teams every game so that I could get a chance to play with all of the Coyote’s, and I enjoyed seeing the outcomes of each game with new players on each team. The final thing that we did to end our day was creating nature mandala art for our sit-spot. I had a lot of fun doing this because I got swept away with creativity, and letting my ideas and imagination flow. It was really fun finding different natural components to add to my art work, and seeing it all come together. After everybody was done with their mandala art, I loved taking a look at everybody else’s work and seeing what they had come up with. Finally, I would like to thank our wonderful substitute teachers Ms. Donna and Ms. Lala for making this week of Forest School so much fun! "