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  • upstreamforestschool

Cottontails, Oct 13

We are continuing to learn new games and add twists to our favorites. Having many games when the cold comes will keep us toasty all winter long. One of todays game focused on stealth and hiding while the other game focused on strategy and numbers. We also played the name game, and everyone was faster and new more names then last weeks attempt.

We broke into the two focus groups, shelter building and zipline building.

Shelter group is continue to try different shapes for their shelter and materials to cover. This week they built it quite fast and started to brainstorm add-ons like furniture and how to make it more permanent.

The zipline crew voted on making the kid zipline instead of the stuffie one. With 4 kids all working on one zipline we had to practice making decisions as a team and coming up with a way to vote (majority rule). In the end using many creative ideas the zipline crew built a fantastic zipline that everyone enjoyed!!

Connection questions:

How did you choose which design to build or which pulley to use? was it tough when the group voted against your idea?

Which part of the shelter or zipline was your contrbution? location? pulley? covering? ladder?

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