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Chickadees, 14 Apr

Themes Explored:


Rope Climb Challenge.

Tool skills. We worked on a project to make keychains (a slice of a large branch with a hole drilled through and para-cord or leather threaded through). Others chose to work on fort projects or practicing with hammers and nails.

Numbers. We read "Lifetimes" which examines numbers related to animals, did you know giraffes have 200 spots. We used this as a springboard to discuss numbers we recognise and a little counting.

Animals and insects. Spring is bringing more wildlife and insect-life to examine. In addition to the birds we listened and looked out for, and squirrel we found, we also discovered a large group of red ants which were mesmerising to watch and chat about. We read a book called "Bugs" and discussed all things bugs!

Skills Embraced:

Physical strength and perseverence through challenging endeavours. We all climbed the rope climb today. This is a big challenge and everyone felt accomplished, most reached the top. Our Chickadees showed excellent resilience, teamwork and courage despite the challenge or fear of heights and all were thrilled with what they accomplished.

Orientation, familiarity with interpreting maps and identifying and marking locations on a map. Memory skills, memorising the location from the map and finding the hidden cone at that location.

Confidence experimenting with different tools and coming up with creative projects to use them on.

Fine motor control, hand-eye coordination and dexterous strength, with tools like files, carving tools, hand-powered drills, nails, hammers and saws. Abigail hammered so many nails into our foam roller, she was on a mission.

Creativity with paints and natural materials. some children chose to paint the key chains they made or whittled sticks to paint.

Connection Questions:

Did you reach the top of the rope climb? Was it fun? Could you see downtown from up there? Was it a difficult climb? Was there something about it that you found most challenging?

Can you remember any of the names we made up for locations in our bike track? Do you remember the sliding hill or the trap pit?

Was the orienteering activity fun?

Can you remember some of the locations you

found cones? Did you like marking the mini-cone location on the map?

Did you make a keychain? Or were you working on a piece for your fort? Perhaps you nailed lots of nails or painted a stick you whittled?

Did you jump off the rock wall?

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